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Steel 1997 Full Movie Download: Watch Shaquille O'Neal as a Superhero


STEEL is for almost everyone a dreadful movie. On IMDB it has a score of 2,8 and few months ago, when it reached 10,000 ratings, it ended in the Bottom 100 (the list of the 100 lowest rated major releases according to users' ratings). Unfortunately, I am not the typical viewer, since when I saw it when it was 32 ratings shy I gave it a try, but I didn't ended up hating the movie. In reverse, I ended up enjoying it very much and I personally couldn't believe all the hate that surrounded this movie for years.The movie begins with John Henry Irons (Shaquille O'Neal) that is in the Army and he is trying a super-powerful cannon. A fellow serviceman, Nathaniel Burke (Judd Nelson) set the cannon at the maximum power and there is a horrible accident that destroys a entire building and cripples Irons' friend Sparky (Annabeth Gish). Nathaniel is of course expelled from the Army and Irons returns home to his grandma.Later there is a street gang that robs a bank using the weapons with Burke and Irons' technology. Irons realizes that Burke is dealing with all the weapons smugglers and dealers for letting people using his dangerous weapons everywhere. So it's up to Irons, Sparky and Uncle Joe (Richard Roundtree) to stop Burke. And so Irons creates a steel (for some looks like made of rubber) suit and a huge hammer/weapon and goes out at night to fight crime and, as everyone would expect, he succedds in defeating Burke.So why I didn't hated the movie? Well, the plot in my opinion gives a message like ''don't never give up in defeating your enemy, because the day of revenge will come sooner or later''. And I found the soundtrack pretty cool since it gives a nice and nostalgic 90s feel. Despite Shaquille O'Neal is a bit one-note in his performance (and he was even nominated for a Razzie for Worst Actor the following year) and he looks like the largest sardine can ever made with that steel suit, I have to admit it, he was much better than in KAZAAM (his other leading man movie). About the only thing I would agree with most of the reviewers is that the special effects look a bit dated even for 1997 standards, but at the end, for me it wasn't a problem. If this movie would have been made with the same budget of movies like THE AVENGERS or IRON MAN then I would have hated it, but since the budget wasn't that huge the movie was adequate.Don't be afraid to buck conventional wisdom, because I think that there are some that might enjoy this movie just like I did, and trust me, there are much WORSE movies out there!

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